At Attenborough, we are always sad to see our friends and learners leave but place great importance on ensuring a smooth transition to next schools. We send our aspiring global citizens forward to their new adventures in the knowledge that they have had many excellent learning experiences in our school.

We kindly ask our parents to inform us as soon as you know your posting date. This can be achieved by completing the ‘Notification of Leaving form’ which is available on the link below or from our School Office.
Process of Leaving
- Parents notify the school that their child will be leaving by completing the Notification of Leaving form and returning this in person to our School Office.
- Parents can then collect a Leaving Questionnaire and return when they collect their child’s Leaving Pack. (Please be aware that some records may be posted directly to the new school.)
- When the Notification of Leaving form is received, we will inform your child’s class teacher of the proposed leaving date and the new school details in order to begin the transition process and prepare the Leaving Pack.
- Final Day at School
Parents come to the school to leave their Parent Questionnaire and sign school documentation to confirm their collection of the Leaving Pack.

We retain a list of all leavers and their proposed school destinations. Should you experience any difficulties with your posting back to the United Kingdom (e.g. allocation of school places), we advise that you contact the ‘Overseas Education and Supportability’ team (OES): [email protected]