Our why and what?

For a more just and sustainable future – a future of their own making
As a school, we are always thinking deeply about our curriculum and what our drivers are. Our curriculum is centred around 6 Broad Themes of Global Citizenship. These connect learning across the school and are progressively revisited in each year group across two cycles of learning. The 6 Broad Themes were designed in collaboration between the school and our community; drawing inspiration from Oxfam and the hearts, minds and hands of our teaching team, parents and the children. WE CARE about our future and the future of our Planet.
Click on one of our themes below to find out more

Our curriculum equips learners for critical and active engagement with the challenges and opportunities of life; and will allow them in the future to participate fully in a globalised society, and to secure a more just and sustainable world than the one they have inherited.
Oxfam’s Global Citizenship programme – A guide for schools
Oxfam’s Global Citizenship – A guide for teachers