Our Vision…
Attenborough geographers understand their role as global citizens in gaining a sense of the world around them, both here in our unique location and across the wider world. At Attenborough School, we use the National Curriculum to drive our learning; providing a broad balanced approach which ensures the progressive development of geographical concepts, knowledge and skills. We aim to develop our pupils love of geography and understanding of our precious world.
‘Geography is the tapestry that weaves the world together‘
Gil Grosvenor

Geography is threaded throughout each of our six Global Themes to ensure that a broad and balanced approach is delivered during lessons.
Geography Field Trips
Year 3 & 4 Field Trip
Year 2 Field Trip
The children were tasked with identifying human and physical features of our local environment. We found many human features such as supermarkets, roads, flats and bridges as well as some physical features like woodland, a river and many fields.
Attenborough School- Geography Scheme of Learning
National Curriculum Coverage Overview